70 research outputs found

    Parallelizable Rate-1 Authenticated Encryption from Pseudorandom Functions

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    This paper proposes a new scheme for authenticated encryption (AE) which is typically realized as a blockcipher mode of operation. The proposed scheme has attractive features for fast and compact operation. When it is realized with a blockcipher, it requires one blockcipher call to process one input block (i.e. rate-1), and uses the encryption function of the blockcipher for both encryption and decryption. Moreover, the scheme enables one-pass, parallel operation under two-block partition. The proposed scheme thus attains similar characteristics as the seminal OCB mode, without using the inverse blockcipher. The key idea of our proposal is a novel usage of two-round Feistel permutation, where the round functions are derived from the theory of tweakable blockcipher. We also provide basic software results, and describe some ideas on using a non-invertible primitive, such as a keyed hash function

    Efficient Message Authentication Codes with Combinatorial Group Testing

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    Message authentication code, MAC for short, is a symmetric-key cryptographic function for authenticity. A standard MAC verification only tells whether the message is valid or invalid, and thus we can not identify which part is corrupted in case of invalid message. In this paper we study a class of MAC functions that enables to identify the part of corruption, which we call group testing MAC (GTM). This can be seen as an application of a classical (non-adaptive) combinatorial group testing to MAC. Although the basic concept of GTM (or its keyless variant) has been proposed in various application areas, such as data forensics and computer virus testing, they rather treat the underlying MAC function as a black box, and exact computation cost for GTM seems to be overlooked. In this paper, we study the computational aspect of GTM, and show that a simple yet non-trivial extension of parallelizable MAC (PMAC) enables O(m+t)O(m+t) computation for mm data items and tt tests, irrespective of the underlying test matrix we use, under a natural security model. This greatly improves efficiency from naively applying a black-box MAC for each test, which requires O(mt)O(mt) time. Based on existing group testing methods, we also present experimental results of our proposal and observe that ours runs as fast as taking single MAC tag, with speed-up from the conventional method by factor around 8 to 15 for m=104m=10^4 to 10510^5 items

    Authenticated Encryption with Small Stretch (or, How to Accelerate AERO)

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    Standard form of authenticated encryption (AE) requires the ciphertext to be expanded by the nonce and the authentication tag. These expansions can be problematic when messages are relatively short and communication cost is high. To overcome the problem we propose a new form of AE scheme, MiniAE, which expands the ciphertext only by the single variable integrating nonce and tag. An important feature of MiniAE is that it requires the receiver to be stateful not only for detecting replays but also for detecting forgery of any type. McGrew and Foley already proposed a scheme having this feature, called AERO, however, there is no formal security guarantee based on the provable security framework. We provide a provable security analysis for MiniAE, and show several provably-secure schemes using standard symmetric crypto primitives. This covers a generalization of AERO, hence our results imply a provable security of AERO. Moreover, one of our schemes has a similar structure as OCB mode of operation and enables rate-1 operation, i.e. only one blockcipher call to process one input block. This implies that the computation cost of MiniAE can be as small as encryption-only schemes


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    制度:新 ; 文部省報告番号:甲2646号 ; 学位の種類:博士(理学) ; 授与年月日:2008/3/24 ; 早大学位記番号:新480

    GIFT-COFB is Tightly Birthday Secure with Encryption Queries

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    GIFT-COFB is a finalist of NIST Lightweight cryptography project that aims at standardizing authenticated encryption schemes for constrained devices. It is a block cipher-based scheme and comes with a provable security result. This paper studies the tightness of the provable security bounds of GIFT-COFB, which roughly tells that, if instantiated by a secure nn-bit block cipher, we need 2n/22^{n/2} encrypted blocks or 2n/2/n2^{n/2}/n decryption queries to break the scheme. This paper shows that the former condition is indeed tight, by presenting forgery attacks that work with 2n/22^{n/2} encrypted blocks with single decryption query. This fills the missing spot of previous attacks presented by Khairallah, and confirms the tightness of the security bounds with respect to encryption. We remark that our attacks work independent of the underlying block cipher

    A Formal Treatment of Envelope Encryption

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    Envelope encryption is a method to encrypt data with two distinct keys in its basic form. Data is first encrypted with a data-encryption key, and then the data-encryption key is encrypted with a key-encryption key. Despite its deployment in major cloud services, as far as we know, envelope encryption has not received any formal treatment. To address this issue, we first formalize the syntax and security requirements of envelope encryption in the symmetric-key setting. Then, we show that it can be constructed by combining encryptment and authenticated encryption with associated data (AEAD). Encryptment is one-time AEAD satisfying that a small part of a ciphertext works as a commitment to the corresponding secret key, message, and associated data. Finally, we show that the security of the generic construction is reduced to the security of the underlying encryptment and AEAD

    Plaintext Recovery Attacks against XTS Beyond Collisions

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    XTS is an encryption scheme for storage devices standardized by IEEE and NIST. It is based on Rogaway\u27s XEX tweakable block cipher and is known to be secure up to the collisions between the blocks, thus up to around 2n/22^{n/2} blocks for nn-bit blocks. However this only implies that the theoretical indistinguishability notion is broken with O(2n/2)O(2^{n/2}) queries and does not tell the practical risk against the plaintext recovery if XTS is targeted. We show several plaintext recovery attacks against XTS beyond collisions, and evaluate their practical impacts

    Compactly Committing Authenticated Encryption Using Encryptment and Tweakable Block Cipher

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    Facebook introduced message franking to enable users to report abusive content verifiably in end-to-end encrypted messaging. Grubbs et al. formalized the underlying primitive called compactly committing authenticated encryption with associated data (ccAEAD) and presented schemes with provable security. Dodis et al. proposed a core building block called encryptment and presented a generic construction of ccAEAD with encryptment and standard AEAD. This paper first proposes to use a tweakable block cipher instead of AEAD for the generic construction of Dodis et al. In the security analysis of the proposed construction, its ciphertext integrity is shown to require a new but feasible assumption on the ciphertext integrity of encryptment. Then, this paper formalizes remotely keyed ccAEAD (RK ccAEAD) and shows that the proposed construction works as RK ccAEAD. Finally, the confidentiality of the proposed construction as RK ccAEAD is shown to require a new variant of confidentiality for encryptment. The problem of remotely keyed encryption was posed by Blaze in 1996. It is now related to the problem of designing a cryptographic scheme using a trusted module and/or with leakage resiliency

    Cryptanalysis of OCB2

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    We present practical attacks against OCB2, an ISO-standard authenticated encryption (AE) scheme. OCB2 is a highly-efficient blockcipher mode of operation. It has been extensively studied and widely believed to be secure thanks to the provable security proofs. Our attacks allow the adversary to create forgeries with single encryption query of almost-known plaintext. This attack can be further extended to powerful almost-universal and universal forgeries using more queries. The source of our attacks is the way OCB2 implements AE using a tweakable blockcipher, called XEX*. We have verified our attacks using a reference code of OCB2. Our attacks do not break the privacy of OCB2, and are not applicable to the others, including OCB1 and OCB3

    Tweak-Length Extension for Tweakable Blockciphers

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    Tweakable blockcipher (TBC) is an extension of standard blockcipher introduced by Liskov, Rivest and Wagner in 2002. TBC is a versatile building block for efficient symmetric-key cryptographic functions, such as authenticated encryption. In this paper we study the problem of extending tweak of a given TBC of fixed-length tweak, which is a variant of popular problem of converting a blockcipher into a TBC, i.e., blockcipher mode of operation. The problem is particularly important for known dedicated TBCs since they have relatively short tweak. We propose a simple and efficient solution, called XTX, for this problem. XTX converts a TBC of fixed-length tweak into another TBC of arbitrarily long tweak, by extending the scheme of Liskov, Rivest and Wagner that converts a blockcipher into a TBC. Given a TBC of nn-bit block and mm-bit tweak, XTX provides (n+m)/2(n+m)/2-bit security while conventional methods provide n/2n/2 or m/2m/2-bit security. We also show that XTX is even useful when combined with some blockcipher modes for building TBC having security beyond the birthday bound